Feral rows and circles of Britain

Survival is taken as a point-in-time measure of the prevailing state or condition of a monument relative to some former state; a reflection of the cumulative effects of all the natural and man-induced processes that have come to bear on the monument. Ideally, survival should be measured with reference to the original state of the monument, but in practical terms it is almost impossible to determine the original state of all but a few particularly well-recorded and in general fairly recent monuments. Accordingly, it is necessary to estimate or project the original or greatest recorded extant. Rather easier is the measurement of the area of the monument and the height / thickness of deposits that remain.
These measurements can be made for any point in time if the information is available or can be seen. From these measurements it is possible to quantify survival in two ways; horizontal (area) survival and vertical survival. Area Loss (horizontal survival) is quantified as the percentage area loss (PAL) calculated as: A1 – A2. Percentage Area Loss = ——- X 100, A1, where: A1 = Projected original extent. A2 = Area extent at the time of the survey. Vertical Survival is quantified as the percentage height loss (PHL) calculated as: H1 – H2 Percentage Height Loss = ——- X 100. H1 where: H1 = Projected average original height / depth / thickness dimension. H2 = Estimated average height / depth / thickness dimension at the time of the survey. The Martian Chronicles 1.
Sittaford Circle
Observe the process by which time (the great author of such changes) converts a beautiful object into a picturesque one. First, by means of weather stains, partial incrustations, mosses, & c. it at the same time takes off from the uniformity of its surface, and of its colour; that is , gives it a degree of roughness , and variety of tint . Next, the various accidents of weather loosen the stones themselves; they tumble in irregular masses upon what was perhaps smooth turf or pavement, or nicely trimmed walks and shrubberies; now mixed and overgrown with wild plants and creepers, that crawl over, and shoot among the fallen ruins. An Essay On The Picturesque, As Compared With The Sublime And The Beautiful; And , On The Use Of Studying Pictures , For The Purpose Of Improving Real Landscape. Uvedale Price (1796)
Photo top of page: Recumbent menhir Butterdon Hill, Dartmoor Trust Archive
Buttern Hill Circle